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We share emotions for each soul.
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Leather necklace, blue, detachable flower pendant, 9K gold, Lapis Lazuli stone

Necklaces can also be bracelets. Natural leather, 3 mm diameter, Leather cord length: 37 cm or 39 cm, Cord color: Blue, Weight: 1.5 gr
180.00 EUR

Availability: In stock

Code: CF85F81F
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You can give life through your special message to all Anyoli products.
Lifetime warranty for stored messages, memories are not lost.
The products have a 2-year warranty.
All our jewelry are handmade.
The delivery time for orders abroad is 5-7 working days from the date of processing the order to which is added the period for the customs clearance process for Non-UE countries and customs duties. These are set by each country and must be verified by the customer.
Cu adevarat un Titanic al pietrelor, Lapis Lazuli este hipnotizanta atat prin specificatiile ei aparte, cat si pentru culoarea impozanta. Este o piatra speciala deoarece te poate ajuta sa iti gasesti echilibrul, oferindu-ti sprijin in a te conecta cu sinele interior, astfel incat sa te bucuri de liniste si armonie pe plan personal. Bijuteria la baza careia sta aceasta piatra este o optiune perfecta pentru persoanele elegante, fiind un simbol al regalitatii, al persoanelor ce cauta sa iasa in evidenta, insa fara sa isi piarda subtilitatea. Pe langa toate acestea, Lapis Lazuli are un rol vindecator foarte puternic, protejand purtatorul de anxietate si agitatie.
All our products are handmade, so that the emotion reaches you through our care and attention to detail. However, there may be differences in color or texture between the prototype and the final product ordered. Emotions are felt differently and the uniqueness of people, just like in our jewelry, is highlighted by this.
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