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We share emotions for each soul.
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Colier din piele, negru, pandantiv floare detasabil, aur 9K, piatra Madre Perla

Colierele pot fi si bratari. Piele naturala, 3 mm diametru, Lungime snur piele: 37 cm sau 39 cm, Culoare snur: Negru, Greutate: 1.5 gr
180.00 EUR

Availability: In stock

Code: F6C95BB4
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You can give life through your special message to all Anyoli products.
Lifetime warranty for stored messages, memories are not lost.
The products have a 2-year warranty.
All our jewelry are handmade.
The delivery time for orders abroad is 5-7 working days from the date of processing the order to which is added the period for the customs clearance process for Non-UE countries and customs duties. These are set by each country and must be verified by the customer.
Cochilia de Madre Perla simbolizeaza dragostea, norocul si prosperitatea, calitati care fac din aceasta piatra un cadou ideal. Madre Perla are culoarea sidefului pentru ca intre cele doua jumatati de scoica de culoare alba, se naste perla, aceasta gema organica a perfectiunii. Acest sidef fermecat, este un talisman al familiei, pastrand linistea si pacea intre membrii acesteia. Pe de alta parte, Madre Perla este piatra care trezeste memoria primordiala a originii noastre, iar pe masura ce se amplifica, aceasta va duce catre o iubire divina infinita. Pe langa asta, Madre Perla este cunoscuta si drept piatra sinceritatii, scotand adevarul la iveala in anumite situatii din viata.
All our products are handmade, so that the emotion reaches you through our care and attention to detail. However, there may be differences in color or texture between the prototype and the final product ordered. Emotions are felt differently and the uniqueness of people, just like in our jewelry, is highlighted by this.
Give a special gift
Have you ever thought how it would be to give not just an object, but an entire story embedded in your gift?
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